May 26, 2015

Scraps No More!

I was luckily enough to obtain some leather scraps from Craftsman Chin, he makes beautiful leather products and other handmade goodies, you guys should check him out!

Curious to work with leather I thought working with some small pieces would be a good start, as it is a material I am personally not familiar with. Having have seen how Craftsman Chin’s leather products age beautifully over time, I was excited to turn these scraps into something wearable which I could watch age over time.

I have always wanted a long strap kind of bracelet, so that’s what I decided to create with my rough 80mm x 60mm piece of leather. Seeing that the piece I had was very small, I had to stitch sections together to form my desired length.

TA-DA! Here is the finished product! Pretty happy with the results and now to wait for it to age and change colour over time. I will post another update later on. Super excited! šŸ™‚


  1. Sin

    What a wonderful piece!!! Can I have one? šŸ˜

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