June 10, 2015

Werribee Gorge State Park Adventure

Over the Queen’s Birthday weekend, a few friends and I decided to spend a day at Werribee Gorge for a day trip. Without knowing it at the time but I was about to embark on my very first ever bush walking, rock climbing hike trail experience. (I should have really done my research before going ><). In my mind I had imagined we would be going on a leisurely stroll along with nature, and oh boy was I wrong, but I guess this is what made the experience more epic for me personally.

I admit the 3-4 hour hike was a complete struggle for me, not only was I quite frightened but also for those who know me will know that I am not at all athletic or physically fit. Wearing the wrong shoes and gear did not help my situation either, converse was most definitely not the best footwear choice of that day. haha

Steep, rocky, slippery paths, climbing along cliff sides, holding onto mere support wires and after a few slips and falls I was beginning to question if i would make the end of this hike… I really appreciated my experienced friends for going on this hike at my pace and supporting along the way. Though it was a tough struggle I could begin to see the fun in it, even when I was struggling to breathe. The view we got to see during the hike was incredibly breath taking and being so close to nature was a nice change to the city environment, and just absolutely beautiful. I was able to take a few snapshots along the way.

By the end of the hike making it back to our car, I felt completely exhausted, my energy had depleted, but I felt very proud of myself. My first hike, bush walking, rock climbing experience. Looking forward to do this again, next time I hope to be less scared, more prepared and have a whole lot more fun! 🙂

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