July 12, 2015

Little Bubs On The Way

Recently I have found out that a two of my friends are pregnant! Which is really exciting news because that means I get to be a unbiological aunty! Not only that but I now get to release my inner little granny and begin to spoil these little bubs with lots of toys and other crochet items! Coincidentally these two babies are both to be due around end of november/ early december, there are lots of things I can potentially make but just have to be careful not to get too carried away, ho ho ho šŸ˜›

So far I have made two Amigurimi toys which I am really excited to show you! Both of my friends have decided to keep the gender unknown until the day of birth, so I’ve been trying to make toys and other items as gender neutral as possible.

If you guys have any suggestions to what I could make would be awesome!

Happy Smiles! šŸ™‚




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